Crypto Finanace

About Whitelist

Last week we gave a summary of the ways to earn money in NFT, so this week we will explain in detail everything Admin knows about WL.

When an NFT project is launched, it usually builds a community before putting it on the market. Usually built on Discord. So I will explain about WL.

In simple terms, whitelist can be understood as a license to trade. To give an example, we are like booking tickets at highway bus terminals. We are going on a trip from Yangon to Mandalay, so we called the bus station and made a reservation because we were worried about not getting a seat. When I arrived at the bus station, I told them that I had paid for the ticket.

Here too it is similar to the ticket booked by WL. I got WL. When I start selling a project, I don’t have to buy more, just pay and clear it like a reservation.

If we continue with the example of a highway car and continue to give an example of an NFT Project, the number of seats on the car is the same as the amount of NFT Supply. When there are 30 seats, when about 40 people make a reservation, when the bus station accepts more than 30 people, only the first 30 people get a seat. In the same way, when the amount of WL is more than the supply in NFT, there is a rush to buy.

For example, when the NFT Supply is 4000, but the WL size is 5000, the remaining 1000 are not available.

I hope you understand about Whitelist. As far as the admin knows, the explanation may be wrong. You can enter the discussion in the comments.

Next week, I will be explaining the methods I mentioned earlier in more detail, so please keep watching.